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Parks Are Rec'd (11.10.00)

Yeah, OK, I know, it's been a rough couple of weeks. The chip's are still in the air. I'll give them one thing though, at least it's easy to make bad puns with them.

Each day it seems another battle is being fought further separating our community. I know I'm having a tough go of it when the "ignore-it-and-it-will-go-away" room in my brain gets full. You know, that room you put things in that you just don't want to think about because you'd go insane. Sometimes I feel the worst thing I ever did was start paying attention and giving a rat's ass. Now that I am listening, that room is getting really full, really fast and it's starting to crack. Like just the other day I finally said out loud "Stockwell Day is the official opposition" hahahahhhh, (I'm laughing out loud as I type this) seriously, how insane is that. Cretchien's nuts, or at least, shows violent tendencies, but he has nothing on Stockwell. Ah, federal politics, with all that's going on at the municipal level I can't even begin to imagine the insanity at that level of government.

But I digress, and this time it's not about woodchips. Not that there's not enough material there, what with all the propaganda being thrown around that STILL desperately clings to the "forestry issue". No, today it's about the latest blow to the recreation community of Squamish. Just when you thought there was nothing else our fearless leaders could do, along comes the parks and recreation commission.

For those who don't know, the town that claims to be the outdoor recreation capital of Canada, (that's us) just had their parks and recreation commission disbanded by the powers that be. If I may give you the Coles notes of the events. The parks and rec. commission is (sorry) was, a volunteer organization that has, up until recently, acted as a resource, for council to help deal with recreation issues. Their biggest accomplishments were the master plan, the 2 new trails, and the fact that every item the group brought to council was approved.

Then we had an election. As you know all to well, the gang of four was replaced by the bizzaro world gang of four and things changed. The relationship between the commission and mayor steadily declined until bill 14 came about and presto change-o we're where we are at today with no commission. The whole bill14 thing is a provincial bill saying that the commission as it stands cannot exist. However there is (for lack of a better term) a grandfather clause that would allow mayor and council to keep the commission. But alas, due to Victorian political loophole's and attempted amendments, the commission as it stood, had to be disbanded.

Unfortunately, when it did end, it ended very badly, the commission was disbanded without so much as a thank you. Rather more of a perceived f, well you get the point. As of Wednesday, (noticing the new bylaw repealing the commission wasn't on the council's agenda) I'll admit, it looks evil. It looks like another brick in the wall between the forestry issue and everything else. Unfortunately for all too many it also looks like the final straw for those who now just lock this information in that little room in their brain and say awww, who gives a shit, the Simpsons are on.

But don't' give up yet, there is still hope. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise, albeit an ugly disguise, but a disguise none the less. In talking to Corinne (yes we're still on speaking terms) It looks as if there is a light at the end of the singletrack. Maybe, just maybe this is the first step for Squamish to boldly take the logical step forward and get a parks and rec. board, or, if once the books are balanced and it appears there just aren't the funds for an elected board, at the very least we'll get a revamped standing committee. Either way the ball is now in their court. Now we see if Mayor and council truly believe we are the outdoor recreation capital of Canada or if it's just lip service.

To end on a happy note, or what I feel is a happy note. I like "Squamhenge" sure it's not done yet but I think the entrance to town looks great and it's about time. At lest now the tourists driving into the McDonald's on the way to whistler will see that there just might be something worth checking out on the other side of the tracks. lets hope, before the next election, there still is.


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