Bring 'em On (07.20.01)
So Toronto dropped the ball and Beijing got the Olympics
Well you certainly have to hand it to Toronto, they
put on one hell of a show. Whistler's very own Scott Roberts was in Moscow
to give us the complete run down of the big announcement. So, legend now
has it that Toronto had the shiniest bells and whistles, but in the end
they just didn't' cut it. No, It appears that they just couldn't compete
with China's rich history of killing all those who stand in their way.
Not to say Toronto didn't try. For years now Chretien has been oppressing
Canadians and denying our basic rights and freedom's with pepper spray
and riot gear. But that just wouldn't sway the International Olympic Committee
(I.O.C.). Sure Toronto's mayor Mel Lastman's last minute racial slurs
were a good effort, but it appears that what the I.O.C. was truly thirsty
for was the sweet, sweet blood of the innocent.
However, Toronto's loss is surely our gain. By all reports
it appears the Vancouver Whistler 2010 Olympic bid is practically a guarantee
and I for one am looking forward to it. Sure there are negatives to hosting
the Olympics. There will be drastic, inhumane measures to brush the homeless
under the rug, and lord knows shifty dealings will be running rampant
with contractors and people who know people, but that's nothing new.
What will be new is Squamish's new beginning. This is
it folks. Squamish is going to go on one hell of a ride if we do indeed
get the games. For one, the government is going to be spending buckets
of cash in our area. Now is our opportunity to show everyone that tourism
and forestry working together isn't just a cheap bumper sticker. This
is when we finally stop dwelling on the past and look to the future. Not
everyone's going to like what Squamish will become, but no one will be
able to stop it.
No, that isn't' a challenge!
That in fact is an invitation to everyone to start thinking
about what could be.
Could we finally get the tracks moved? Hahahahah, sorry,
that one still cracks me up.
As for a pipe dream that could work... how about making a new entrance
to town from the Valleycliffe light going right into the belly of Cleveland?
Come on people, let's think BIG and take advantage of the Big Wigs with
the deep pockets. One thing is for sure, it's time we puckered up and
kissed Squamish as we know it goodbye. Like it or not, our little secret
nestled between Whistler and Vancouver is not going to be a secret for
I too have mixed feelings about that. Sometimes I like
the fact that I can go on trails at any time of the day and rarely see
another person. But then I walk down a deserted Cleveland avenue at 6
on a Saturday and think, this could be so much better.
So what's to become of our little town? Well the final
word comes in 2 years so dust off your thinking caps and get ready, one
thing is for sure, it's going to be one hell of a ride!
Bryan sees Olympic potential in Squamish BC.