So You Think They're Filming a Movie? (07.04.00)
Contrary to popular belief, I have lots of friends.
Sure not everyone can see them, but I know they exist and that's all that
matters. Take Rusty for example. Rusty's been lying low for the last few
years because of a unique concern. Since a couple of his multiple personalities
are communists, he's scared of being arrested for an unlawful gathering.
So you can imagine my surprise when opening my mail I found this letter.
You know Bryan, I like you, you're not like the other
people here in Squamish. Oh don't get me wrong, they're good people, fine
Canadians. But they're content to sit back, crack open a Labatts 18 pack,
and maybe watch a little Drew Carry on channel 57 . They're good, fine
people Bryan but they don't' know, what those quote 'film crews' unquote
are really doing to our town. Are you ready for "The Truth?"
It's the American's Bryan, they're planning a takeover
and they're starting with Squamish. They get these so-called film crews
to infiltrate our town and then see how we'll react to a "simulated"
American invasion. And what do we do?. We welcome these modern day
Trojans with open arms!
Let me take you back to a simpler time, April 2000 when
I first became aware of the problem. First there was "Say It Isn't
So" a witty, delightful romp (or so I'm told) about America's greatest
pastime - incest. At first I thought nothing of it. It's nice to see people
staying in our town, spending their money. The signs erected around town
were also amusing. "Tee-hee look at that we're Beaver town USA."
There was "Beaver Savings and Loan", "Beaver Bowl"
and the town's favorite "Muffy's Steaming Beaver Café"
these clever distractions took our mind off the fact that every Canadian
flag suddenly disappeared replaced by the mighty red, white, and blue.
Much to the American's approval, few even batted an eye
when our communities mural of hand prints was washed away to make room
for an American welcome sign. Which brings me to the scene with the cows
meandering down Cleveland avenue. No doubt just an elaborate analogy depicting
the Americans herding of the Canadian people. No doubt they had a big
laugh at that back in Washington! Then as quick as they came they were
gone. And like the simple trusting fools we are we waved them good-bye
offering them to come back whenever they want. Beware what you wish
Later still the evidence mounted as yet another production
rolled into town without a peep. I bet you were just as shocked as I to
see Cleveland avenue lamp standards proudly displaying our future masters
colors of blood red, supreme white, and cold, calculating blue. They even
went so far as to defecate on our beloved pavilion. And did we do anything
about it. No! To the Yankee pig-dogs we just smiled politely and went
about our business, playing right into their sneaky little hands.
The latest "filming" was entitled "Kevin
Of The North". which had our beautiful town converted to an Alaskan
wilderness. For an entire week they had their way with a major downtown
street and did we make a fuss? No, we accepted our new overlords with
open arms and had our streets littered with fake snow. Oh and I'm sure
that stuff was just harmless movie magic. Surely it wasn't some mind altering
agent of destruction first attaching to our shoes and by osmosis slipping
into our bloodstream and securing itself to the frontal lobe making us
oblivious to the immanent invasion! You'll excuse me if I wear tinfoil
socks as a precautionary measure. Well there you have it Bryan, feel free
to use this information at your own risk. Oh yeah, I'm not sure how our
Mayor and Council are tied into this whole thing but I'm sure you'll work
them in somehow. Keeping my good eye out for you, Rusty Shackleford.
Bryan's imaginary friends live in the immanent
battlefield that is Squamish.