Tool Time (06.21.00)
You wake up, one shoe is in the sink and you're sure
last night your head was used in a science experiment. Yeah we've all
been there, the wasted night, and then the worst part the waste of a day,
just you, the couch and faint memories of a night's debauchery. It was
a morning such as this that I first found my home improvement guru.
Quarantined by the liquor lads, I was destined to spend
the day becoming one with the couch using only the slightest motor skills
to utilize "the conch" (fancy talk for TV remote). The blaring
TV immediately told me it was Sunday by having several race cars scream
by *click* "then the lord said" *click* "and if you buy
now" *click* then I had what some would call an epiphany. "Hi,
I'm Shell Busey and today we're going to build a deck" - we sure
It was perfect, there were no sudden movements, noise
was kept to a minimum, and the man has such a gentle disposition you got
the distinct feeling that he doesn't mind you just sitting on the couch
while he slaves away. So for the next half an hour I watched this giant
man build a deck. And after it was all done, I felt invigorated, like
I truly accomplished something. Sure I didn't actually built a deck but
I knew that if the opportunity arose I would at least have a rudimentary
knowledge of what to do. I'd call Shell Busey. So it was from that
moment on I loved Shell Busey.
First friends dismissed my ramblings as those made by
someone who was on a Jagermister IV drip. It was only after I procured
a life-size standee (fancy trade talk for cardboard cut out) of my home
improvement guru did they realize the frightening extent of my obsession.
So when Cliff at Mountain Building Centers made it known that Shell was
coming to town I, was quite excited. Not 'night before Christmas' excited,
more of a 'new beer at the brew pub' excited. So as the big day approached
I marked my calendar every day until the big day. I even considered making
an advent calendar for the event but decided it was too much of a sucky
Martha Stewart thing to do. Big breath, heart racing. here I go.
Standee under one arm, tape recorder under another, ready to meet the
one true home improvement Jedi master.
As I approached, one of his cronies behind the camera
glanced at me then at my standee and said "oh, so you're a Shell
groupie eh?" well this certainly took me back. There were really
several things wrong with that sentence,. first of all Shell has
groupies? Eewww, I can only hope he meant groupies in a fan-boy way and
not. well, eeewww. So after we established my prerogative, I approached
the friendly giant with all the composure of a school girl at a Ricky
Martin concert. He was more than happy to sign the standee which he signed,
Shell Busey 'it's just that easy' and he also took some time to answer
my questions.
I thought I'd ease him into the interview with an easy
one so I asked him 'as a trained professional, what would you consider
the true test of metal' Apparently it has something to do with hydraulics
and nothing at all to do with single track. Then I asked him a question
which we will all need answered soon enough. "Shell, I'm about to
have woodchips flying all over the place. Instead of just letting them
litter the streets, can you think of some creative uses for them? Well
at this his eye's lit up. "Woodchips! Well there are a lot of things
you can do with woodchips. They're great to decorate the garden. Plus
It will keep the likes of slugs off any veggies or plant life. Hmmm, if
environmentalists and protesters are no better than slugs maybe this will
keep them out of town. Could this have been the plan all along? (conspiracy
theory #293). As for what music he played in the workshop. well
it comes as no surprise that Shell likes down home country. It's true,
there's nothing like a little Johnny Cash or Merle Haggard to get the
home improvement juices pumping. So to all of you wanting to meet your
hero. just go up and say hi, 'it's just that easy'!
Bryan stalks, er, lives in Squamish