Eenie Meenie Minority Go (07.02.04)
I went to bed with a smile on my face. In the morning
I woke up with the sinking feeling it was all just a dream. It must have
been; I mean come on, John Reynolds didn't get elected? How dream world
is that?
Alas, in the cruel morning light it appears John held
on to his seat by just over 1,600 votes. For those unaware (apparently
that's most, judging by the apathetic voter turnout), John Reynolds is
our re-elected federal representative with the balls of steel you can
only get from being in politics since 1972. He's gone from party to party
and yet has remained untouchable. His confidence this round came from
his ideological chant of "Tax cuts! Axe all of our services and give
us tax cuts!" Sure, we think that's idiotic but we're lucky enough
to share a riding with Canada's richest community, West Vancouver. I suppose
when one earns enough to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in taxes,
paying for health care almost makes sense.
Locally you might remember him from the last time he
spoke down to us saying he was actively trying to stop a million federal
dollars from coming to Squamish's Adventure Centre... oh, and gays shouldn't
marry. Yeah, he's funny like that.
This year Reynolds arrogantly spent nearly half the election
in the east as a front man for the party. He's a head honcho under the
militant right wing's latest label: Conservative. It used to be Reform,
Alliance... they keep changing their face every time one of their members
utters crazy religious dogma about gays or abortions. Not to mention plans
of getting around our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. A perfect example
of this mentality can be found in George W. Bush. While most of the world
revolts against him, the Conservative party desperately emulates that
truly historic leader.
This, I believe, is a big reason why many held their
noses and voted Liberal this election. As Rick Mercer pointed out "the
lesser of three evils is pretty important when you're running a country."
Truth be told, I can't stand Paul Martin either, from
his mega-million-dollar steamship line he conveniently didn't pay taxes
on, to his blind obsession with selling us hook, line and sinker to the
In the end, though, I think the election went well. Canadians
sent a clear message. We're mad at the Liberals but we're not about to
let the Conservatives run loose. And I feel better knowing they need the
NDP's vote to get anything done.
So now, on Canada's birthday weekend we can truly celebrate
a victory for our people and our country. Plus, locally, it's the anniversary
of the "Squamish Yankee beat-down". Let's not have a repeat
of last year's incident. If you are out and, heaven forbid, some arrogant
fool starts spouting how their country is better then yours, just relax
and laugh it off knowing at least we didn't let a right-wing religious
nut job run our country.