Reminiscing about the future (02.29.084)
They’re a staple of each and every community around the globe. More often then not they can be found perched at a watering hole with one elbow on the bar and the other hand conducting a memory symphony as if to help clarify the point they’re making. I’m talking about the “I remember when” people. These ladies and gentlemen of varying age who have the scars on the inside and outside to prove they’ve been around.
Well, in Squamish we have just passed through what will no doubt be another quiver in the “I remember when” arsenal. This will of course be unleashed for years to come anytime anyone mentions snow fall. You can almost hear it now…
“I remember when we had snow on our lawn from November until February. To get to the bike trails we had to hike for miles in three feet deep snow. Uphill both ways? Ha! What we would have given for uphill both ways. Nope, you hiked up then you had to cling for dear life going down.”
Over the years that of course will be embellished and you’ll have to apply the standard grains of salt. But now, as the snow slowly fades away, the sun is making everything good again by bringing out the blooms. This is both in the gardens and it appears, in the paper as well.
I’m referring to the last few editions of the paper where there have been downright cockle warming amounts of letters to the editor.
Letters to the editor, as anyone reading this page knows, are one of the most valuable meters to gauge a communities pulse. For every letter there are literally hundreds who agree but can’t find the time to write.
Traditionally many of the letters are focused on one issue. Whether that be the provincial Liberals force feeding us IPP’s, the waterfront, or the latest Mayor and Council screw up. Lately however, the letters have been as varied as they are numerous and passionate, and I for one think that bodes very well for us.
If nothing else it shows that people are fired up and paying attention. Hopefully this fire will last until November when we once again choose who will get the lower than minimum wage position of Squamish councilor and mayor.
An engaged community is a prosperous community and ladies and gentlemen it’s time to engage. While everyone reading this page is at least attempting to pay attention, there are hundreds, if not thousands new to this community that we must all welcome and encourage to finally harness the vast potential Squamish has been squandering for so long.
With any luck, and a whole lot of work, in another ten years we’ll lean back on the porch with a good ol’ “I remember back in 08, yup, it was the year of the great snow and the year our community finally came together with a vision” and look how great it turned out.