The Developers are Coming!! The Developers are Coming!!
Shhh, do you hear that? If you listen closely
you can actually hear the calm packing up it’s things as the storm
impatiently taps it’s foot just waiting to pounce on our neighborhood.
Already the writing is on the wall, or the highway rather. “We’re
here, we’re huge, get used to it.” Of course, with our first
developments come our first challenges.
Since, what seems like forever, when you said development
in Squamish it could only be one of a couple people. The bakers dozen
of usual suspects who know and own this town inside and out. But now things
are different. Now the world is watching Squamish and everyone who can,
is looking here to make some fat cash.
And thank God they are. We have to face the fact that
the job situation in this town is dustbowl depressing and the next phase
of jobs in Squamish is going to be largely developer dependant. Thankfully
there are more than a few good developers that are willing to share their
vision. In achieving that vision they hire local lads for a good wage.
From the foundation to the landscaping, painting, drywall and stonework,
even the lunch truck that buys it’s food from our kick ass local
deli. That’s solid work for the next eight years with families being
comfortably fed, clothed, and sheltered. This is exactly what we need
to encourage.
Make no mistake, as you read this the land around Squamish
is being divied up.
With developers come countless building jobs that we
so desperately need. But they’re of no use to us if at the end of
the week bills aren’t being paid. There’s big money watching
us very closely and our next moves will dictate the quality of people
and projects to come.
Squamish is a very small town and the Developer/Contractor
world is even smaller. So much so that when trouble is brewing, word travels
fast. Hence our need to encourage and enforce responsible development.
Those who refuse to act proper must be told they’re not allowed
to play in our waterfront games.
Which brings us to our first challenge. Our ‘develop
or die’ Mayor and council have to finally stand up and set some
examples. These new contractor jobs are great but they don’t all
have happy endings. We need these jobs and must let developers know that
they are more than welcome to our town. They must also know that they
will be held accountable. As the community of Squamish we have two choices;
We can draw the line here, or we can continue to do nothing but send a
clear message to developers: Welcome to Squamish, the sucker capital of