Another Year, Another Dollar (01.02.04)
Let's review shall we.
So that was another new years eve. Is it just me or have
new years eve parties lost their punch since the big one. I mean how can
anything compare with the mega hoopla that surrounded the millennium.
People were spinning around bracing for the worst. It’s funny how
the end of the world can make a party that much better. Then when midnight
came around and nothing happened, sure you were disappointed but you were
also drunk so everything was ok.
Now as the lids slowly pry open we see that 2004 is much
the same as 2003 in that the main constant is change. But one thing that
hasn’t changed is the wonderful writers crutch of “the year
in review”... ahh those 4 wonderful words that ease the pain of
the holidays and get’s you through to the next week.
Globally: Hey honey look, the US captured Santa. No wait,
that’s Sadam. Well they found Sadam yet they still cant find any
weapons, I hope they searched the whole hole. Now I understand America’s
plan to defeat the last of the resistance is to once again arm rebel groups
to defeat the rebel groups they used to arm. So everything is ticking
along nicely. Man I hope they elect someone decent next time. Hilary.
You know all this senseless death would almost be worth it if it lead
to Hillary Clinton getting elected. Boy would that be something.
Federally we have a new leader, provincially many wish
we did and locally all that seems far away as turmoil fills our town.
It would appear 2003 marked the beginning of Squamish’s transition
period and man it’s been a doozy. Natural disasters not withstanding
our community has certainly taken some punches. With the bid making waves
it will only be a matter of time before affordable housing is a major
issue. Funny how our image of a red neck with the blue collar was the
only thing keeping Squamish housing prices affordable for so long. Now
the blue shirts are out of work only to be replaced with greeter pins
and paper hats.
The point of change was really hammered home as a good
friend informed me that he must leave town but “don’t worry
I’ll probably be back five years or so.” Immediately my heart
sank as I realized the bitter truth that in five years the Squamish we
know and love will be long gone. Sure there will be bits and pieces but
the face will be unrecognizable. It would appear the most we can hope
for is the heart and at the very least a pinch of soul to remain.
So as the new year begins I’m armed with few certainties.
I know that Squamish is entering the next phase of it’s existence.
I also know that I’m going to be here and if nothing else we can
all bank on the fact that the future of Squamish is not going to be boring.