Strong Enough to Change? (10.13.00)
For over a month now I've been trying to write a "get
off your ass and clean up the trails" article. As well, I wanted
to speak up about the airport and fluoride referendum, but since that's
tomorrow (Saturday, October 14th), a column here wouldn't do much good.
What I will say though is.. Does Squamish need an airport? I don't. So
get out and vote as if you lived in Brackendale. I was going to say Don't
Vote, Don't Bitch! But look where that got us last time. So without further
adieu we turn back to the rampant shenanigans in the council chambers.
Who's been watching cable 10? Even with the 70 some odd
channels we get now, the action doesn't get hotter than a good council
meeting ruckus. I tell ya, I've seen the last council meeting (Tuesday,
October 3rd) 3 times and each time my blood boils. For those who missed
it I believe it's going to be released on the upcoming video compilation,
Too Hot For C-pac. In the mean time, here's the gist.
CHIPS asked for money back. No surprise here, they got
nothing. Then Steve Shard of the Howe Sound Inn and Brewing Company got
up to speak. Complete with props galore, Steve gave an impassioned speech
about the fact (and yes it's a fact) That the brew pub has been blacklisted
by people who still believe that blacklisting is an appropriate way to
solve problems. Gasp shock horror, sarcasm. Look, it's really not that
surprising, word direct form her majesty's office stated she poo-poo's
both the facility and the owners. But that's not the point of this particular
We get closer to the point as GBA's Greg Richmond, steps
up to the Mic. Greg seems like a down to earth guy who's trying his best
to deal with the cowpie end of the stick. So the spin doctor's prescription
he's taking is one I myself would go with if placed in the same situation.
His argument... "this is not a sunset industry" - what's not?
Chip's and hog fuel? To paraphrase the point "if the woodchip facility
goes down, the forestry industry is next - are you going to let that happen?"
Greg even had a box giving out ribbons with a sign above reading "tie
a ribbon to your vehicle if you support the chip facility and the forest
Here I want to sing the praise of Shelly Smith. Shelly
was the first and only councilor to stand up and say, This is NOT A FORESTRY
ISSUE! But not to be outdone, Corinne immediately came back to say that
she was disappointed that so many people would waste their time attacking
the forest industry. (Remember, BIG breaths!) OK, here I must clarify,
I don't hate our mayor. I even believe that in her heart she believes
she is representing her constituents. But for her whole life, Squamish
has revolved around the forest industry, hence her inability to separate
forestry from any other issue that approaches the bench. But now Squamish
is at a crossroad and what's best for the forest industry isn't always
what's best for the town. Corinne is a very strong woman, but strong enough
to change? I honestly hope so. The first step will be to admit that this
is not a forestry thing, it's a Squamish thing.
At this time I'd like to take a minute and give Bamboo
Bill a little space. Squamish suffered a big loss last week when Bill
Landry was taken from our lives. Bill was one of my favorite Squamish
shit-disturbers, and a damn fine council watch dog. His passion for beer,
bikes and conspiracy theory's will be missed. Well, here's to Bill, Cheers!
Bryan lives in the sorted burg that is Squamish.