604uck You! (08.31.01)
As the bare bulb swings menacingly from it's power source,
our hero ponders the next line of questioning.
"Look, it's been what, 5 days now? You have no choice but to admit
"Never! As long as stale coffee runs thick through my veins, as sure
as there's a 40 percent chance of rain, I will never, repeat NEVER dial
Ah yes, some things just brings a province closer together.
In this case it's a shared hatred for one lady. Or not even a lady but
a voice that upon first listen sounds understanding and informative. Yet
with each passing, the understanding gives way to patronizing, then it's
a slippery slope to nagging as the receiver is once again slammed down
with the accompaniment of several colorful adjectives. But with all things
new, give it a couple months and it will be second nature.
It's been a couple weeks now since I had a run in with
the law of averages and his big brother the law of gravity. Since those
two brutes have seen fit to break my collarbone I've had to get used to
many other new things as well. But this time hasn't been all wasted on
movies and video games. Lacking the necessary equipment to go biking.
I'm left thinking, what else is there to do in Squamish. Well, lets see.
if I remember correctly, I think someone once mentioned climbing. There
was also some mention made to windsurfing, hiking, and bouldering. All
these Squamish has in world class abundance that has our town packed for
the entire summer.
Not a weekend goes by when another diverse group pops-up
to showcase their stuff. But as the leaves begin to fall and the winter
months get closer it's important to keep the sunshine and lollipops attitude
as we embark on what could be a very challenging winter for our friends.
With the Woodfiber date continually extending and countless
other industry downturns, now more than ever it's important to watch who
gets your dollars. When you buy your CD, your bike, your tires or your
beer, think about who gets that money. Is it a community member? Or a
big faceless box with nothing to give back but minimum wage woes?
I'd like to end this particular column with a toast.
So if you would, raise a glass of Squamish's finest for the young Bob
Hoy. You came, you saw, you supported and you will be missed. All the
best.. oh what the heck. Iloveyouman!