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Moist Nostalgia (12.06.02)

In a social gathering you know it will soon be time to go when talk turns to weather.
Not that people don't enjoy talking about the weather. Rather, weather is usually the last topic people can think to discuss before the mind starts turning to other important matters such as "where are my keys" and "I wonder what Simpsons rerun will be on when I get home."

This year, however, things seem to be a little different. Oh, who am I kidding? This year things have been downright nutty in what only can be described as bizarro-world weather.

Things are especially crazy when you consider even those insane 'it's only nice when it's sunny' people grow uneasy when faced with the fact that we're now well into December and the only moisture in site is on the mountain passholders' worried brows.

The only explanation: Mother Nature is trying to kill us.

Usually, the most casualties in town occur in the summer months. When the sun shines bright, everyone is feeling indestructible climbing, biking, renovating and other activities that more often than not end in Band-Aids and ice packs.

But then September and October roll around, we put away our implements of destruction as the days get shorter and the rain tucks us in at night.

Except, of course, this year, when we continue to pedal in the sun, and the climber's parking lot is just as full now as it was in July.

So it's only natural that the longer we're allowed to play, the greater the chance of getting badly hurt.

Or maybe I'm just making excuses for taking my very good natured mother-in-law on a hike that lead to her slip sliding away to the hospital with a broken ankle.

Part of me thinks she just wanted to prove that some stuff is in fact easier to bike than walk down.

On the plus side, every good Christmas party needs a Tiny Tim. Egads, it's Christmas already. Oh sure we say that every year but it's hard to deny it's weird getting ready for Christmas when it barely feels like fall.

If it is Christmas, why would bears still be hanging around in Whistler Village? Not to mention the blooming trees!

I wonder if Mother Nature finally convinced Old Man Winter to blow this Popsicle stand. They're probably watching from the box seats, sitting back with a hot toddy laughing as it spins chaotically out of control.

I suppose we'll just have to ride it out and hope we never have to hear someone say "Heh, remember when it stopped raining?"


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