Conservative Democracy Inaction
That’s it Steve, you’re off my Xmas list.
No, it wasn’t his recent, budget cut attack on women, First Nations
and the handicapped. The last straw was this summer at the World AIDS
Forum in Toronto. Dignitaries from around the world gathered to face this
disastrous crisis while the host country’s leader decided to skip
it. Realistically, no one can blame our Prime Minister Steven Harper for
blatantly snubbing this epidemic. After all, as sad as it is, there are
still people who honestly believe that AIDS is killing the right people.
Personally I find that appalling, but I’m not naïve enough
to think racism and homophobia doesn’t exist. The ignorant are not
the majority, but they do vote and when you’re a minority government
every vote counts.
Not to say I don’t admire Harper’s moxie.
After all, he finally figured out how to get Conservatives elected and
that’s to make damn sure none of them are allowed to speak. His
iron fist on the throats of those elected is balanced nicely now with
his foot on the throat of the press. As any dictator worth his salt knows,
your first step is to cease all objective communication with the people.
That was done swiftly by refusing to answer any questions from reporters
not hand picked by him. Then he literally made a back door to avoid cabinet
meeting scrums and that pesky accountability-to-voters stuff.
I just wish his gag order extended to those un-elected
such as our own Conservative failure John Weston. Week after week John
has used this paper to rub our nose in the fact that he is bringing our
issues to the Prime Minister. While some may enjoy the foul practices
of an unelected government, I don’t believe I’m alone in preferring
actual elected officials run my country. Wake up and smell the results
John, the majority of voters in Squamish think you and your party suck.
One of the few in town who desperately wanted to join
your club was local politician Paul Lalli. However, Paul’s political
back was stabbed when he failed to secure a riding and was blindsided
by the fact that the Conservative party is completely un-democratic. Gasp!
Shock! Horror! Duh! That said, I welcome Paul back to the real world where
Canada is being run by an embarrassing American-apologist dictator. Barely
squeaking to power, Steven Harper has proven himself worthy of a top spot
on Canada’s most un-democratic leaders list.
Of the millions of examples, one might point to David
Emerson switching parties the second he was elected. This is nothing compared
to Mr. Fortier who is truly the cherry on the corrupt Conservative cake.
Not elected, he was placed in the Senate then made a Cabinet Minister
in charge of Public Works. This man can not be questioned and he’s
in charge of one of our largest ministries? Good thing they’ve silenced
the press and abolished the notion of having a fair and open government,
otherwise the public would probably be upset.