To Every Season. Turn turn turn... (09.28.07)
Ok, it’s now safe to admit it. The weather this summer was fan-tastic. Many might take exception to that statement but I have facts to back it up. Statistically we had the same amount of sun and rain as we do every year. However, this year without fail the rain always came on the weekend.
While some are quick to blame the weather channel, I believe I know who the real villain is. It’s the dirty rotten scoundrel who decided everyone should work five days on with only two days off. That’s right, don’t blame the weather, blame the overworked schedule that is a product of our society. Personally I thought this summer’s weather was perfect. There were no forest fire threats, the trails never got too dry, and when the sun came out it was refreshing with only one week of truly oppressive heat. And let’s not forget the absolutely staggering amount of pregnant mommies out there. You can bet not one of them was complaining about the temperature this summer.
But that’s what was, and now we fall into what will be.
Fall is a favourite season for many reasons not least of which is all the free money. Ok, that’s a slight exaggeration. But without fail, every fall one finds at least a couple extra dollars in the jackets, sweaters, and pants pockets that were tossed aside when the summer started. It’s almost a tradition.
Another tradition I sincerely hope will stick around is the solstice party. I’ve always been a big fan of solstice parties and this year Squamish had a dozy on our oceanfront. (Buckets of thanks to all the volunteers and sponsors who made it all possible). During the day, hundreds visited the beach as kids danced and adults checked out just what ‘they’ plan do with our oceanfront.
The more people I talked to the more it became very apparent that what everyone wants on that site is exactly what we have. A community space. Short term thinking of course points to other options. However, one need only look to Stanley Park or Kits point to see some serious money and benefit can come from having a signature park space. Unfortunately, political wheels run on grease and it doesn’t get greasier than developers with condos in their eyes. But that’s what people want: park space while ensuring the deep sea port is utilized.
>Another unifying fact is our community’s scepticism that any good will come of it. Not that you can blame them as anyone paying attention has been let down so many times. But once again we’re being asked for input in the hopes that the public’s two cents will have a positive effect on the process (fingers crossed). Thankfully, on Saturday night when the sun went down the beach party went up and left everyone thinking, why don’t we do this more often? Why not indeed.