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Perverted Politics (09.26.03)

Federal politicians do very little work. Or I should say they spend very little of their time actually making decisions of national importance. However, when they do get together to discuss matters they are the most important people in our country. For that brief time they have the power to change our nation and those are the most valuable moments in history. That fleeting time is as expensive as it is rare, so why then are millions of our dollars and countless of those life changing hours being spent discussing gay marriages? Can they really think of no greater issue facing the day to day life of the average Canadian?

John Reynolds thinks this issue is so important that twice his arrogant smile has graced the Chief with his message of stopping that dirty homo love. Perhaps once we’ve become a more civilized nation we’ll finally separate church and state, then we won’t have to spend our most precious moments dealing with the Alliance’s baffling anti-gay stance.

The line in particular that got me all riled up was his stating that “they can’t do what a man and woman do.” At first I thought he meant have a baby, but no, it can’t be that since there are millions of Christian soldiers out there shooting blanks into barren fields. So what then. Eww, thank you very much Mr. Reynolds. Thank you for spending your valuable time and my tax dollars making me think of what you and your wife do that they can’t do. And after that visualization, quite frankly sir, you disgust me.

But then, after last weeks paper lots of things disgust me. Namely the one time Mr. Reynolds gets off his queer-bashing soapbox he chimes up with his negative opinion on the proposed adventure center. Here’s a proposal that hinges on getting millions from the federal government and John Reynolds pipes up with his smarmy two cents that may end up costing Squamish millions.

As for the adventure center well that’s a spinning story that has many a turn left.

Whatever the headlines may scream, this is not a forestry vs. tourism issue. Sure it may look that way with a leaky councilor spreading in-camera information in the hopes of crushing the project, but the story is bigger still. It all comes down to the hard reality that the traditional bread and butter of Squamish is drying up. Forestry has made Squamish what it is today and you can bet over those years the powers that be have made some pretty sweet deals to help keep the ball rolling. Sweetheart deals like cheap rent for 44 years. But the writing is on the wall and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Squamish’s transition period is just beginning and like it or not there will be plenty more gravy trains pulling into the station before it’s all said and done.



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