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Election fever - catch it or else. (09.12.08)

History has been made. No matter what happens this fall, the USA will either have a woman vice president or a black president, and that is historic. After eight long years of President Bush it will be interesting to see who the Americans choose as their new leader. But this is Squamish and why would a small town editorial column waste anyone’s time talking about an election in a foreign country? Well sadly, because even though we’re in the thick of a federal election and we’re soon to be in a municipal election, people know as much if not more about the American election.

Heck, thousands who have never followed politics in their life were glued to the primaries yet you try to find someone under 30 to tell you who our Prime Minister is. Even so I am extremely grateful for Barack Obama. I wouldn’t put money on him winning the presidency, but I am quite impressed that he seems to have been able to motivate the under 30 crowd.

One can only hope that this excitement will spread in Canada. Well, it probably will until they see just how uncharismatic our federal politicians are. Just look at our local riding… Ok, honestly I wish I had time to go into the zoo that is our riding but there is just not enough time. Do you discuss Blair Wilson joining the Greens? Or the Liberals obvious complete ignorance as they announce Ian Sutherland to be their representative. Conservative John Weston was no doubt ecstatic of that choice.

You see? The political talk is going to be thick these next few months and while it starts exciting, come November, many will be feeling political burnout. Even so, I truly hope “I’m burned out” doesn’t become an excuse for people not to vote. As anyone reading my columns knows, there are few things that irk me more than voter apathy. Especially those who espouse with flabbergasting pride “I don’t Vote”. Not, they can’t vote, but rather “I don’t vote because they’re all crooks/my vote doesn’t matter/whatever dude”.

Unfortunately, the logic behind a non voter is easily torn to shreds when you sit back and realize that in fact, everyone votes. Deciding not to vote simply gives power to those you disagree with.  Most infuriating is this lackadaisical attitude when applied towards local elections. Federal, I can see being overwhelming, even provincially things are complicated. But municipally there is no excuse as it literally affects your own backyard.

Now, I could go on but we seem to be at the end. Yup, this is it folks. It’s been over eight years and 216 columns, but if all goes well this will be my last editorial for at least three years. This is because I’m putting my name forward to be a Squamish Councilor. Thank you all for reading and I’ll see you soon.









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