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Wet Dreams (09.12.03)

"No one said the end of the world was going to be easy."
- R Shackleford

I tell you this war with mother nature is starting to worry me. They're saying now that the Okanagan fire will burn through the winter. It will actually set up a little cave under the snow and burn till sunlight hits it once again. How creepy is that. You know how some people see the glass as half empty, and some see it as half full. Well, what I wouldn't do for half a glass right now.

Drastic times call for drastic measures and it doesn't get more drastic than shutting down the outdoor recreation capital of Canada due to lack of rain. At first the closures were easy to take as a necessary evil. Sure it sucks but it's for the greater good. As the days have turned into weeks, the novelty is quickly fading and people are starting to fray around the edges. Going even crazier are the four legged members of dog town. The hounds are restless and not being able to walk along the trails certainly makes having a mutt suck. Try explaining to Fido that the trails are closed as you make another lap around the block.

At this time, props must go out to every man woman and child who had to say those heartbreaking words. "We can't cuz it's closed." Especially made difficult when a great event like the GK Ripper has to be pushed back until we get some serious rain. These measures certainly seem drastic but no more so then the weather we've been having. We haven't had a really good "Squamish tsunami" for over a year now. The kind of rain that soaks to the bone and lasts for months. Now there's the cabin fever I'm used to. Cabin fever when it's nothing but sunshine and lollypops outside is a different beast all together. Not to mention it's quite the mental gymnastics to convince your brain and body to do housework when you're a sun worshiper that's drinking for rain.

I'm hoping it's this sort of delirium that's behind the thinking that a bingo barn is a great development idea for the entrance to town. Living in Squamish we've all heard that annoying broken record "There's nothing to do in town." But come on, not enough bingo in town? We already have 4 places to dab the night away, where you can fork your cash over to local charities. A Bingo Barn is just the sort of asinine idea that the people voted to stop at the last election.

Luckily it's in the baby step stages and with a distinct message from the public they could be quashed easily. Yes, Squamish needs many things, we need rain, we need a vibrant downtown and we need to release some tension. So if you're starting to go a little nutty around the edges and are looking for a place to vent a little steam, bottle it up for the bingo public meeting coming to a yet to be disclosed location near you.


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