Federal Follies (07.15.05)
Until recently federal politics have been foreign to
me. Reading a headline was like stepping into a movie that has been playing
forever. It was always, “who’s that guy?” and “what
boondoggle scandal?” Only recently have I begun to catch on and
boy howdy is it one wacky show.
In the first scene a minority government was being sworn
in meaning everyone has to work together. The first big test was the now
historic budget vote. It was nail biting close with the Conservatives
demanding the government fall. The score was tied however and the tiebreaker
was none other than Surrey’s own Chuck Cadman. Chuck passed away
this week but talk about going out with a dignified bang. For the last
few months of his life, Chuck was the most powerful person in our country.
After being bum rushed out of the Conservative party he ran and won as
an independent holding the balance of power and showing us just how much
difference one person can make.
Another great character is Belinda Stronach. Belinda was dating the Conservative
guy who recently destroyed the Alliance party. In a swift move of political
brilliance she took the opportunity of this historic vote to cross the
floor from the Conservative to the Liberal party. Now, it’s important
to note that she is far from the first person to cross the floor to another
party. However she is the first to cross with embarrassing shouts of “Whore!”
and “Slut!”. Ahh, the Conservative party. Sure they may have
some reasonable points but they’re always muffled by the foot they
just put in their mouth.
You see the conservatives are super old school. A particularly
curious trait of the Conservative party is their ideological belief that
government should only be there to ensure corporations get paid. Government
should get out of everything else like healthcare, education, energy,
and so on. Yet interestingly enough the only place they’re hell
bent on staying is in the bedroom. Well, the bedroom, the womb and Iraq.
Yeah, there’s a well thought out plan.
Now, their reputation of being a bunch of rich,
white, sexist, racist, homophobic, greedy business men is like any stereotype,
not entirely accurate, but not entirely without merit either. Proven time
and time again when someone inevitably gets caught stating their beliefs
in a tasteless rant. Sure that diatribe may win you the support of the
likeminded masses; However, the thing all conservatives fail to grasp
is that we’re not in the deep south of the United States. There,
intolerance is celebrated and can win you the presidency. Thank god that
just doesn’t fly in Canada. Oh sure for a while there I was terrified
it might not be so. However, with the Liberals immersed in the biggest
scandal of our nation’s history, the Canadian people have made it
clear that stealing millions and millions of our taxpayer dollars is a
small price to pay to not have the Conservatives running the show. Oh
Canada, you crack me up.