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And Away We Go (07.04.03)

I would like to take this time to thank the Test of Metal organizers and the community of Squamish for putting on such a wonderful event. Months of planning and complete community spirit once again turned itself into a world showcase weekend. Not to mention it provided a great distraction for the upcoming bid announcement.

Last week however there was no escaping the endless conversations that inevitably led to "so, you think we're going to get it?"

Sure some were against it, but mostly I've found we all have our own selfish reasons for backing the bid. Even so, I've spent the last few months doing my darndest not to have an opinion simply because the final decision was so far out of my control

That didn't seem to lessen the nervous excitement that filled the Brew Pub as breaths were held and the envelope was opened on TV's across the country.

"...awarded to the city of Vancouver."

Boom! Just like that, weeks, months, years of planning, and guessing finally released itself. Jaw's dropped, knees went weak and there was rampant hugging. It was certainly a "remember where you were" kind of announcement so I'm glad I was in the pub with hundreds of people that make this kick ass community, truly the heart of 2010.

So we've got the games, now just what the heck are we going to do with them?

We've all known for a while now that Squamish is on the cusp of what we will one day become. It was going to happen with or without the Olympics but now that we're hosting the games, the timeline has stepped up significantly. Instantly, house prices have become unobtainable, everyone's rent has doubled, and people with big "if we get the games" plans are putting them in motion.

Now the real work begins. When the big boys come to town with five ring dollar signs in their eyes, we have to remind them of what our vision of Squamish is and they must play by our rules. Oh sure, we're not going to always get what we want, but I feel it's important to fear the worst and work for the best. We certainly won't be lacking challenges from sprawling development and the commuter killing road closures. Yet with challenges comes opportunities. Make no mistake, there is money to be made if you're of capitalist mind and are shaking the right hand at the right time.

Not to mention the joy of chaos. Yes, I do enjoy a good spectacle and let's face it, you cant get much more spectacle than the gong show games they call the Olympics. Like it or not, let the games begin.


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