Before It Gets Better (05.06.05)
For that one brief second we were all equal. It didn't matter
your status or political leanings, the second we found out the leader of our
Province, Gordon Campbell of the BC Liberals got arrested in Maui for drinking and
driving we all thought the exact same thing. He's sooooo done. Remember, this is
fresh off the heals of Glen Clark getting no less that five months of front page
coverage for building a sundeck. Even the staunchest of supporters had to admit it
looked bleak. However, the moment was fleeting as the spin quickly removed any
doubt that Gordo did wrong. Heck, his lies even convinced Mothers Against Drunk
Driving to turn a blind eye to an honest mistake. Then again he lied about BC
Rail, he lied about ripping up contracts, the list goes on and depressingly on.
So it is armed with those super powers of deception that we enter
next weeks election where you have two choices. You can vote Liberal to sell BC
Hydro to an American company (Bermudan for tax purposes), or you can vote for the
NDP. But what about Green? I'm sorry, the only space I have this election for the
Green party is to say this: like it or not, you're Nadar. You're nothing more than
a vote splitting patsy for the Liberals.
Unfortunately, this election comes down to what almost every North
American election comes down to. One side there are those that believe the people
should own their water, hydro, hospitals and schools. Then on the other side there
are those that believe government should only be there to ensure the corporations
get paid. You can spot them easily, they're the one's with that damn "why the hell
should my taxes go to pay for that?" attitude.
That mantra became law with huge tax breaks going to those earning
over $400,000 per year. Everyone was convinced that there had to be, as the headlines
read, "Short term pain for long term gain." Now, I too believe that there are things
we can do without and there is certainly some waste that can be trimmed, but never
in my life could I imagine anyone cutting funding causing the closure of womans
shelters. In budget terms they are literally run on PENNIES! This is not a mixed
message, when you close a womans shelter you're sending a very clear message to
the community, "Sorry girls, you made your bed now sleep in it." Or, going back to
the mantra: "You talked back to your drunk husband and paid the price." Why the
hell should my taxes pay for that?
Make no mistake people, this is not a movie. The evil people
aren't going to be visited by three ghosts and see the error of their ways.
Next week the decision is simple. Do you believe that our water,
hydro and healthcare should be controlled by American company's? Yes? Vote Liberal
No? Vote NDP.
Here's hoping for three ghosts and a happy ending.