Five Ring Circus (02.28.03)
So we're now one step closer to welcoming the Olympics
to town, or as they're affectionately called, the corrupt games. I'm referring,
of course, to the recent vote in the Big Smoke that says the people want
the Games. I for one was quite glad they put it to a vote. Not because
it gives people a say or even matters to the eventual outcome. The Olympics
have, in the past, been given to a country that voted against it. No,
I'm glad it was put to a vote because it made me once and for all answer
the nagging question: are you for or against the Olympics?
For years now the arguments have been flowing free with
yeas and nays in all directions, the sugar-coated praise making it seem
like the Games are just what we need to get us out of this economic slump,
the nays saying the slump will only get bigger.
In the end though it was actually the naysayers that
helped me make up my mind. Especially those 'Healthcare before Olympics'
stickers. To those people I have to say, "Give your head a shake!"
Have you not been paying attention? Our provincial leaders, the B.C. Liberals,
don't give a flying rat's rear about you or anyone else that makes less
than $100,000 a year.
It's estimated that the Games will cost us billions of
dollars. Now, of course that money should be spent on schools, or hospitals
or other things that give working families a chance.
But guess what? It won't. That money will go where all
the money for the handicapped, and child care facilities have gone, to
the people who still think the tax cuts were a good idea. Gordon Campbell
and his cronies continue to be drunk on the blood of the exploited working
class, and the keg ain't empty yet!
That said, it's obvious the Olympics don't go to the
best city, or bid. They go to whoever can put the most crooked smile on
the IOC's faces. Whether you want them here or not is not part of their
Luckily our chances look good. You just know when that
big IOC zipper comes to town, Gordo will be the first one on his knees
doing everything he can to take peoples minds off petty things like gutting
BC Hydro and suicide notes left by handicapped family's who just
couldn't go on. Yup, as far as feeding crooked smiles go, our leaders
are definitely of Olympic calibre.
So bring em' on! We all know Squamish is headed for a
major facelift. If we're actually awarded the Games we might just get
a boob job while we're at it.
Of course for us it certainly won't be all fun and games.
Squamish is not seen in the big picture, we're promised only "what
we can grab".
So let the rich have their party here for a couple
weeks. I only hope once the dust settles, and there's nothing left but
litter, that Squamish becomes more than just the 2010 toilet between towns.