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Hawaii Point Eight-0 (01.17.03)

Well, today just happens to be my birthday, and if anyone asked me "what do you want?" In a million years I would never have asked for a Gordon Campbell mug shot. It would be like asking for a winning lottery ticket or a normal family, it just doesn't happen.

The easy question: do you think he should resign. I do, but not because he was drinking and driving. I think he has to resign because he just lost the game he made the rules to. Gordo has based his entire career on screams of scandal.

The day the story broke The Vancouver Sun once again showed pathetic bias by printing a tiny mug shot and barely a bold headline. Whereas the Toronto paper used the full front page to print our smirking blotto premier's pictures in color. Can you imagine the front page if it had been Glen Clark's mug shot? Speaking of the NDP, I must hand it to Joy MacPhail. No, I don't like her either; she's simply not a charismatic person. However she did give him 48 hours to say his side of the story instead of sending camera crews to his house.

This story is bigger than just this politics. This issue is about a crime that, obviously, not many people take seriously. Many remember the days when it was socially acceptable, and to many, it still is. My first reaction was, "Whatever, this isn't going to kill him." Then my heart humbly sank as I put myself in the shoes of someone whose daughter was pronounced dead at the scene of a DUI accident.

As for his reaction, I'll take that as the cherry on my birthday cake. If he stepped down we would have to forgive him because that would be playing by his own rules. But he didn't, he even refused to admit he committed a crime, "it was a personal mistake". To clarify: Putting laundry detergent in the dishwasher is a mistake, drinking and driving is a crime. M.A.D.D. even has a slogan saying "when you drink it's personal, when you drink and drive its public"
Then having the entire liberal party defend his actions is proof that God exists. How amazing is that. Everyone, including the Minister of Education, sent a clear message, it's ok to drink and drive, but only up to 20 kilometers, and only if you're not at work.

And how cool is this? After almost 3 years of columns I can actually quote myself! December 2001 - "With the canceling of Drinking and driving road checks Gordon Campbell's Liberals are sending you a message "If you drink, DRIVE!" I thought I was being funny, who knew.

If I may, I'd like to end by getting a catchy sea chantey stuck in your head. "What do you do with a drunken premier (3 times). earlye in thar mornin'? Let'm drink and drive and get arrested (3 times) earlye in thar mornin'.


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