Director: Roland Emmerich
Cast: Steven Strait, Camilla Bell, Cliff Curtis
Rated: PG-13
108 minute
My only thought upon leaving the theatre “It’s a week before the paper comes out, I oh how I wish I could warn everyone sooner.” For those that accidently or on purpose went to see 10000BC, I feel your pain, the rest of you AVOID AT ALL COSTS. We have a soul sucker here people. Seeing this film won’t merely cost you money and valuable time but will literally drain bits of your brain. And not in the good way. In fact, in a very bad way.
Director Roland Emmerich should not be allowed to use any more CGI. No-more-CGI-for-you!
You know it’s bad when the main character can’t stop grinning and cracking up during the action that never came close to covering the gaping plot holes.
If you see this movie with the bar set incredibly low you’ll be amazed at just how further down that bar can plummet.
The victim of a writers strike plot has cavemen toppling the Egyptian empire with a mammoth. My brain hurts just thinking about it. Honestly, spend time with loved ones or even people you don’t like, just avoid this movie at all costs.
Oh yes, I almost forgot about the narrator. Every 20 minutes or so when something actually happens the narrator pops up to repeat what you’ve just seen.
The only way out alive is to laugh, it’s too bad they didn’t go kitsch, then it could have been good/ bad instead it’s just bad/bad.