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The Good, the Moral, and the Ugly. (10.12.01)

"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated: but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."
- C.S. Lewis 1898-1963

I'm not entirely sure why but I've always lived in fear of the self proclaimed 'moral majority'. I think it stems back to my purchasing a children's album with a warning label on it. Or maybe it's seeing the footage of people celebrating the assassination of a doctor who performedabortions. Either way, whenever I hear anyone say they make decisions based on 'morals' you can bet hard earned dollars someone's either going to stop people from having a good time, or someone's gonna' die.

Truth be known, since moving north, I've thought very little of the moral majority. Oh sure I still get choked at stories I hear, but very rarely did it affect my day to day life. Even when wading through rank council waters, issues appeared to be handled with blind reasoning and perhaps spite, but never did anyone climb that slippery pedestal of moral superiority. until now.

That's right, business owners beware, the mayor of Squamish is willing to tamper with your business if it doesn't fit within her scope of moral acceptance. Creepy? You bet. The instance of course I'm referring to, is mayor and council's shortening the business hours of The Garden of Eden, a recently erected escort service/massage parlor. Here is a business that was showing some vision by providing a safe, secure location for a service that will exist with or without their petty narrow-minded thinking. But since our welcoming mayor publicly stated that she will do anything she can to remove it, because it offends her on a 'moral' level, I've once again been thrown into the battle between good and the moral majority.

I've got a question? If you're going to meddle with businesses on a moral level, why start now? Why didn't you shut down Radio Shack the second they started selling those very creepy religious comics. I personally don't think our children should be exposed to that ignorant poison but I would never dream of stooping so low as to limit their hours of operation just because I object to that religious smut.

Like Rick King exasperatingly stated 'where do you stop?' Thank you Rick. I can't wait until they start cutting bar hours because they don't like their dinner specials. Or how about shutting down the bike shops. Here are businesses designed solely for people to get out into the woods and have fun, or are they engaged in pagan rituals! That's right, Those evil purveyors of two wheel instruments of the devil must be stopped!

What's saddest most of all, is that up until this point I've held our mayor and council in higher regard then I did the moral majority. I always thought they were above a group who's leader, Jerry Falwell, publicly stated that dirty homo's and women's libbers were responsible for the terrorist attack.

Now I'm not so sure.

Bryan was a sinner until he saw the Reverend Horton Heat. He resides in Squamish, BC.


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